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What is it that allows for the popularity of certain pop culture celebrities to endure long after their passing? Take Bob Marley for example. Here is an artist that has been gone for over twenty five years, yet his popularity continues. Albeit in a somewhat more subdued tone compared to the height of his career in some circles. But in the more niche reggae circles, his influence continues to be pervasive. What is it that separates Bob Marley from the rest of his contemporaries in the world of music and other endeavors.
Certainly, the passing on at a young age of 36 may have an influence, but there's far more to it then that. It's the body of work that Marley laid down in those years that contributed to his enduring legacy. Additionally, there was the work he did outside of music and using his music as a tool. He was an instrument for peace and change throughout his career.
Having grown up in what could arguably be described as a challenging childhood, Bob Marley was used to overcoming obstacles. From being raised by one parent, to having very little money, and to being a member of a cultural class with very few advantages. The one thing he had though, was a passion for the art of music. It is what drove him in many of his endeavors. Even during periods of his life when he was forced to sidetrack his musical career, music was never forgotten.
Many of the posters and photographs of Bob Marley reflect an ever appealing image of the man his music, beliefs and culture. As with posters of many musicians, there are many aspects of them that appeal to youths of all ages. There is of course the flagrant disregard for authority in all it's forms. I'm just imagining the one poster where there are three pictures of him smoking his favorite herb. Each image displays a very different emotion. Serious, humorous, and pondering. All filtered through the haze and flow of the smoke.
Although, it's his concert posters that really strike me with a sense of awe. It's humbling to watch a man so enthralled with a passion for his music, that it just radiates for the photographs and posters. Bob Marley posters are really some of my favorite posters. And, I've been a big fan of posters ever since my younger days. I think most young people are, as they provide a senses of expression the we all long for.
Come see our selection of Bob Marley posters, or read some of our Bob Marley posters reviews